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Rubber Cup Lump

Rubber Cuo Lumo1

Rubber Cup Lump

Fresh latex is harvested by tapping into a long cut in a rubber tree and allowing the drops to fall into a plastic cup, creating a rubber cup lump. The material is then combined with formic acid to cause the latex to coagulate. Until the necessary sum is obtained, the procedure carries on for a few days [1]. Physically, CLNR is made of non-rubber material, water, and rubber. Because of surface evaporation, which produces a moisture gradient that promotes diffusion toward the drier surface, the moisture content of CLNR frequently fluctuates locally.

Our purchasing agents are dispersed throughout West Africa and they pick up the cup bulk before shipping it to different locations and companies worldwide. In order to prevent water seepage, the cup lump is either delivered dry or, if it is wet, is shipped in plastic bags and containers that have been specifically lined with plastic sheets.

TSR manufacturers worldwide are the primary consumers of Rubber Cup Lump. Additionally, we consistently maintain a DRC of roughly 78% as the cup lump is well-dried prior to shipment.

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