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Garlic Bulbs from Green Farms Cam

Garlic is one of the easiest and most rewarding plants to grow in the garden. You will be rewarded with a variety of flavors that are rich and tangy and not found at just any grocery shop. It needs very little space and upkeep. Gurney’s has been providing gardeners with garlic bulbs for many years and offers a wide variety of garlic bulbs. Garlic seeds are grown in our test gardens, and we only provide the best varieties that perform well in the garden and have great flavor.

Choosing the Right Garlic Bulb

Do you wish to buy garlic bulbs but are unsure of where to start? These basics will assist you in selecting garlic for your garden. Garlic is offered in two varieties: softneck and hardneck. Hardneck has a central stalk, or scape, and grows well in cooler climates. Softneck cultivars perform well in southern areas and yield more cloves when braided than hardneck cultivars. Because garlic bulbs have such a wide range of flavors—from mild to spicy to hot—many gardeners like to grow many kinds of them.

Getting Started with Garlic Bulbs

Some gardeners start their garlic from seeds; Gurney’s sells big garlic bulbs and delivers them right to your home. Prior to buying the garlic bulbs, choose the location for their planting.

How to Plant Garlic Bulbs

Across the country, garlic is typically cultivated in raised beds or gardens.

How To Plant Garlic Bulbs Indoors

Although garlic can be cultivated indoors, it will not yield the large bulbs that it does in the garden, where it is more resistant to cold temperatures. When cultivated indoors, garlic in pots will likely yield milder green shoots than cloves. They will add a pleasantly delicate, garlicky taste to dishes and make the place appear brighter. Just put a few cloves of garlic in a pot with potting soil and water to start growing it inside. It will take a week or two before any green shoots appear. The shoots can be trimmed and added to recipes.

How To Plant Garlic In The Fall

Check to see if the dirt is loose. If needed, incorporate aged compost into the soil. Plant the garlic in rows, spacing the cloves two inches deep and spaced every six inches. Garlic covered with straw helps protect the bulbs from winter damage and deters early-season weeds.

When to Plant Garlic Bulbs

Garlic is usually sown in the fall, following the first frost. Garlic can also be planted in the early spring.

When to Harvest Garlic Bulbs

Garlic bulbs are harvested in July when their lower leaves start to turn brown. After digging up the garlic bulbs, let them to cure for three or four weeks in a warm, draft-free area. Garlic bulbs should ideally be kept cold and dry.

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