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Buy Whole cloves online at Green Farms Cam


Glove whole: small in size, powerful in action

The entire spice glove is flavorful. Cloves are the closed, dried flower buds of the clove tree. Like a flower bud, the spice is a short stalk with the richest fragrances at the top. The plant came from the Moluccas, and two thirds of the world’s cultivation of the plant is currently carried out in Indonesia. It is an essential part in Indonesian cooking. Cloves’ versatility is also being recognized on a broader scale in our country. Natural Spices offers the spice online in 300-gram or 1-kg portions.

Use cloves whole in the kitchen

Cloves are a spice that works well in both savory and sweet dishes. It is slightly easier to use the powder format for both types. Whole cloves, on the other hand, are usually used in stews, especially ones with lamb or beef. Especially when mixed with sage and pepper, it produces a unique flavor. Strong flavor that pairs well with oranges, apples, and pumpkin in sweet recipes. Mixing it with other herbs and spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and mace is quite easy. Because of their similar tastes, whole cloves are sometimes mistaken for nutmeg. However, these are two entirely distinct kind of spices.

The difference between whole cloves and ground cloves

The strong spice can be used whole or ground into a powder. Even though it’s obvious that these two versions have the same flavor, the flavor of the ground cloves is much stronger. You can add it to food but not eat it, unlike ground cloves. It tastes much softer in powder form. The flavor of the whole spice is retained for a little while longer than when it’s ground. In addition, Natural Spices offers these for sale online.

Why cloves are very healthy

Not only can whole cloves add a potent taste to food, but they are healthy. Two millennia ago, it was already being used for medicinal purposes in Asia. The main component of the spice, eugenol, possesses antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities. It also contains a lot of vitamins B12, C, E, and K and improves your digestion. In fact, Spanish researchers have named clove a “power food.” Even more reason to buy large quantities of this tasty, powerful superfood online. If you place your order by 13.00 on a workday, it will be delivered the next day.

Cloves on Wooden Spoon
1. include vital nutrients

Cloves are a good source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. You may add flavor to your cuisine and get some essential nutrients by grinding or using whole cloves.

Ground cloves weigh two grams, or one teaspoon (4Trusted Source):

  • Calories: 6
  • Carbs: 1 gram
  • Fiber: 1 gram
  • Manganese: 55% of the Daily Value (DV)
  • Vitamin K: 2% of the DV

For the maintenance of brain function and the development of strong bones, manganese is a necessary mineral (5Trusted Source, 6Trusted Source).

Cloves are used sparingly and don’t offer much in the way of nutrients, other than being a high source of manganese.


Cloves are high in manganese content and low in calories. Other than that, they’re a negligible source of nutrition.

2. High in antioxidants

In addition to containing several important vitamins and minerals, cloves are rich in antioxidants (7Trusted Source).

Antioxidants are compounds that reduce oxidative stress, which can contribute to the development of chronic disease (8Trusted Source).

Cloves also contain a compound called eugenol, which has been shown to act as a natural antioxidant.

In fact, a test-tube study found that eugenol stopped oxidative damage caused by free radicals five times more effectively than vitamin E, another potent antioxidant (9Trusted Source).

Including cloves in your diet along with other antioxidant-rich foods can help improve your overall health.


Eugenol, one of the several antioxidants found in cloves, has the potential to lessen oxidative stress.

3. Could aid in cancer prevention

Cloves include chemicals that have been shown in several studies to potentially help prevent cancer.

Clove extract was shown in a test-tube study to help inhibit tumor development and encourage cancer cell death (10Trusted Source).

Similar findings were found in another test-tube investigation, which demonstrated that 80% of esophageal cancer cells died when exposed to intense doses of clove oil (11Trusted Source).

The eugenol found in cloves has also been shown to have anticancer properties.

A test-tube study found that eugenol promoted cell death in cervical cancer cells (12Trusted Source).

However, keep in mind that these test-tube studies used very concentrated amounts of clove extract, clove oil, and eugenol.

Eugenol is toxic in high amounts and overdosing on clove oil may cause liver damage, especially in children. Further research is needed to determine how lower amounts may affect humans (13Trusted Source).


Cloves include chemicals that have been shown in test-tube tests to both promote and inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Further studies are required to validate these effects in humans.

4. Can kill bacteria

Cloves have been shown to have antimicrobial properties, meaning they can help stop the growth of microorganisms like bacteria (14Trusted Source).

One test-tube study showed that clove essential oil killed three common types of bacteria, including E. coli, which is a strain of bacteria that can cause food poisoning (15Trusted Source).

What’s more, the antibacterial properties of cloves could even help promote oral health.

In one test-tube study, the compounds extracted from cloves were found to stop the growth of two types of bacteria that contribute to gum disease (16Trusted Source).

Another study in 40 people tested the effects of an herbal mouthwash consisting of tea tree oil, cloves, and basil.

After using the herbal mouthwash for 21 days, they showed improvements in gum health, as well as the amount of plaque and bacteria in the mouth (17Trusted Source).

In combination with regular brushing and proper oral hygiene, the antibacterial effects of cloves may benefit your oral health.


Cloves have antibacterial qualities that may help destroy harmful germs, according to studies, which may improve dental health.

5. May improve liver health

Studies show that the beneficial compounds in cloves could help promote liver health.

The compound eugenol may be especially beneficial for the liver.

One animal study fed rats with fatty liver disease mixtures containing either clove oil or eugenol.

Both mixtures improved liver function, reduced inflammation, and decreased oxidative stress (18Trusted Source).

Another animal study showed that the eugenol found in cloves helped reverse signs of liver cirrhosis, or scarring of the liver (2Trusted Source).

Unfortunately, research on the liver-protecting effects of cloves and eugenol in humans is limited.

However, one small study found that taking eugenol supplements for 1 week decreased levels of glutathione-S-transferases (GSTs), a family of enzymes involved in detoxification that’s often a marker of liver disease (19Trusted Source20Trusted Source).

Cloves are also high in antioxidants, which may help prevent liver disease due to their ability to help decrease oxidative stress (21Trusted Source).

Nevertheless, eugenol is toxic in high amounts. One case study in a 2-year-old boy showed that 5–10 mL of clove oil caused serious liver damage (22Trusted Source).


Cloves and their constituent chemicals have been linked in certain studies to a reduction in oxidative stress and liver protection.

6. May help regulate blood sugar

Research shows that the compounds found in cloves may help keep blood sugar under control.

An animal study found that clove extract helped moderate blood sugar increases in mice with diabetes (3Trusted Source).

Another test-tube and animal study looked at the effects of clove extract and nigericin, a compound found in cloves, both on human muscle cells and in mice with diabetes.

Cloves and nigericin were found to increase the uptake of sugar from the blood into cells, increase the secretion of insulin, and improve the function of cells that produce insulin (23Trusted Source).

Insulin is a hormone responsible for transporting sugar from your blood into your cells. The proper functioning of insulin is essential for maintaining steady blood sugar levels.

In combination with a balanced diet, cloves could help keep your blood sugar levels in check.


Studies on animals and test tubes have suggested that the chemicals in cloves may aid in lowering blood sugar and promoting the synthesis of insulin.

7. May promote bone health

Low bone mass is a condition that affects an estimated 43 million older adults in the United States alone (24Trusted Source).

It can lead to the development of osteoporosis, which may increase the risk of breaks and fractures.

Some of the compounds in cloves have been shown to help preserve bone mass in animal studies.

For example, an animal study found that clove extract high in eugenol improved several markers of osteoporosis and increased bone density and strength (25Trusted Source).

Cloves are also rich in manganese, providing an impressive 55% of the DV in just 1 teaspoon (2 grams) of ground cloves (4Trusted Source).

Manganese is a mineral that’s involved in the formation of bone and incredibly important to bone health.

An animal study found that taking manganese supplements for 12 weeks increased bone mineral density and bone growth (26Trusted Source).

However, current research on the effects of cloves on bone mass is mostly limited to animal and test-tube studies. More research is needed to determine how it may affect bone formation in humans.


Manganese and clove extract have been shown in animal experiments to potentially improve bone mineral density. Further studies are required to validate these results.

8. May reduce stomach ulcers

Some research indicates that the compounds found in cloves could help treat stomach ulcers.

Also known as peptic ulcers, stomach ulcers are painful sores that form in the lining of the stomach, duodenum, or esophagus.

They’re most commonly caused by reductions in the protective lining of the stomach, which are due to factors like stress, infection, and genetics (27Trusted Source).

In one animal study, essential oil from cloves was shown to increase the production of gastric mucus (28Trusted Source).

Gastric mucus functions as a barrier and helps prevent erosion of the stomach lining from digestive acids (29Trusted Source).

Another animal study found that clove extract helped treat stomach ulcers and exhibited effects similar to those of several anti-ulcer medications (30Trusted Source).

Though the anti-ulcer effects of cloves and their compounds may be promising, further studies are needed on their effects in humans.


Clove oil and extract may help prevent stomach ulcers by increasing the formation of gastrointestinal mucus, according to some animal studies. There has to be more human studies done.

The bottom line

Among the many possible health advantages of cloves are their ability to regulate blood sugar and inhibit the growth of microorganisms.

Like many other healthful foods, they work best when incorporated into a diet that is both balanced and healthful. Consider including a couple servings of cloves in your meals each week.

Ground cloves are a simple addition to a lot of recipes. They will give chutneys, curries, and desserts a hearty, unique flavor.

For a calming cup of clove tea, you can also stew whole cloves in boiling water for five to ten minutes.

In addition to being delicious, cloves may offer numerous health advantages.

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